As most everyone knows I have spent 20 weeks training for a half Ironman. Well the race came and went. This past weekend 30 athletes traveled to Augusta Georgia to partake in a 70 mile race with 3000 other athletes. It was an amazing experience and so surreal. As we stood on the deck waiting to get in to the 70 degree water I just had to pinch myself as I could not believe what I was about to do AND I could not believe that the race was here!
As for my race...the swim was fast. It was wetsuit legal and we had a nice current to assist. Obviously you still had to swim the mile and a quarter but it took me 28 minutes to accomplish this. I was pleased with this although now wonder how much faster I could have done it in. The bike was 18 miles flat and then hills came to play for about 30+ miles and then it finished flat but you were greeted by a nice strong headwind. This went well except my bike chain came off at mile 18 (or kinked). Luckily this happened at a water stop area so 4 guys later we had it put back together with a warning that something was warped and the chain could come off again...GREAT!! So I decided to pretty much not to use my gears for 30 miles of hills but instead muscle my way up and down them. But my theory is better to do that than to have more mechanical issues and not be able to finish. But when you gamble there is a chance you will pay!!
The run came and it started out pretty typical in that your legs feel like pieces of lumber when you first start running after they felt normal and OK until mile 4....then my calves started to complain a bit (but this also could be normal) then my quads started to sing the same tune as my calves...however I started chanting one of my motivational phrases "pain is just weakness leaving your body" in my head. Well, I kept running only allowing myself to stop at water stops for a quick drink and stretch. This continued for miles 4,5,6,7,8,9 & 10. Well on mile 11 I start to congratulate myself and think.."you did it Tracy only 2 miles to got this" About a third of a mile later my bike gamble from earlier came legs decided they were not running another foot. They locked up to the point of starting to fall over and some nice runner guy behind me grabbed my arm and caught me. Lesson #1..never congratulate yourself until you cross the finish line!!
Needless to say after many failed attempts at running the last two miles...I had to walk them! I was hoping to finish in under 6:15 but ended up finishing in 6:26. I guess with two miles of walking and a bike chain issue I am lucky to have been so close to my goal...but on the flip a perfect race day I would have met my goal and exceeded it!
All in all it was a great day (other than the last two tearful miles). I learned so much about racing and so much about myself. I love this sport and can't wait to do another half and next time get under 6 hours!!! It was a journey and so worth it. I could not have done it with out the support of my family, friends, triathlon friends and my coach. I look forward to another journey and another finish but for now...I finished a HALF IRONMAN and that is something I will always have to remember!!