Saturday, April 5, 2008

This a first for me

Well, I have been wanting to blog as a creative outlet and I have taken the time to at least start to figure it out. This first post may be short as baby is making it hard to think with a continual scream in the background. It is pouring rain right now in sunny Seminole making it a perfect sleep environment; however, baby does not agree.

I have four boys in bed with zero sleeping. Not a successful bedtime for me. THe five year old also has some pressing ailment causing him to moan from his bedroom.

In closing for the day, i want to learn how to post photos and I need to obviously deal with the CHAOS in my home. Until tomorrow!

1 comment:

Jill said...

yeah you are blogging! posting pictures is easy, when you go to pulish a new post there is an icon of a picture, click on that and you can browse for a picture to upload. go to and add music to your blog.