Wednesday, September 17, 2008

History re-created

We are having the wonderful pleasure of doing our history and science projects with our homeschooling neighbors and great friends,The Palms. They have four boys like us so we just find it amazing to live in the same neighborhood, homeschool and have four boys. Needless to say it is quite a blessing in more than one way to our family. In the photos below, the boys are to be pretending they are nomads (which is what we are studying in ancient history) and building a hut in which to live. They were supposed to use anything they could find to create this. (rocks, sticks, leaves etc) Anyway, as you can see from the photos, they incorporated some modern day items as well such as a fence and bungee cord. We gave them an "A" for effort and had quite a good laugh to say the least!!

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