Sunday, June 24, 2012

Happy Father's Day dad

Dear Dad, I wanted to thank you on this Father's Day for so many things. Thank you for loving me unconditionally, supporting my activities and decisions as a child, young adult and parent. Thank you for cheering me on and believing in me always. Thank you for instilling values in me that remain the voice in my head as I make decisions on a daily basis. Thank you for being an example of integrity and honesty even when things in life are not easy. Thank you for teaching me to always fight for family and tradition as it is so very important in the foundation of who we are and what we value. Thank you for teaching me to really love myself so that I am able to unconditionally love others. Thank you for being consistent in the good times but also in the bad. Thank you for teaching me to always look for solutions to the problem instead of wallowing in self pity. Probably most important...thank you for being a Godly man and father. I am so very blessed to have you! Happy Father's Day Dad!

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