Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Metal Grates of Bridges hurt when you land on them!

This morning (like many mornings) I headed out for a ride along the beach. It was super early (5 sharp) and misty/damp out. I was working on some bike intervals for strength with a couple of guys and was overall pleased with my effort...20 miles of WORK...keeping up..hanging on...We had pretty much "called it a day...(at 6 am) and were heading back in. We were heading over the same bridge the ride originated from....just kind of chatting as we went...and then it was like instant chaos..carbon grinding against carbon and bodies on the ground. The tire of one rider caught the edge of the slick (from moisture in the air) metal grate and slid out from under him...in the process that bike tire caught my bike tire and my bike did the same sliding act. It was like a slow motion movie...my thought as I was going down..."this is going to feel great on that sharp metal" Needless to say...we survived...it was ugly...lots of road rash...cracked helmets....bruises...blood..YUCK! I am thinking tomorrow I may be a little sore. I am sure the left side of my body is going to be a rainbow for awhile! But thank goodness...I live to ride another day!! I guess if your going to go down lets pick one of the worst surfaces possible...I did manage to run three miles afterwards....three thoughts led to that decision 1) its on the schedule 2) what if this happened on race day...I would have a heck of alot more than 3 miles to hammer out 3) I may be too sore to run tomorrow! Until next time...

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