Sunday, December 21, 2008

Oh the Traditions!!

About five years ago we started a tradition of painting ornaments at a pottery store. It is one of the kids favorites andwe were able to enjoy it this past Thursday. As always it was a pleasure and the kids painted beautiful ornaments. They are not always very traditional but I love seeing what they will come up with every year. Each year as we put up our tree we have so much fun looking at the progression in artistic skills and what the favorite colors have been from years past. Devin and I were remembering the different techniques he has tried over the years. He was quite a bit wiser as he assessed this years project and what he intended to do. OVerall it was fun time though Nicholas was not happy with his front row seat in the stroller with the seatbelt on!!

On another note, we found out this week that I was incorrect...(hard to believe!!) Nicholas did NOT knock out his tooth. This would appear to be good..however it is quite the opposite. When he fell he pushed the tooth up into his gums and severed all nerves and roots to the baby tooth. The good news is the adult tooth is OK so far. The dentist has advised us that another fall on his face could be detrimental to the adult tooth as well. Currently we are in a holding pattern waiting for the nerves and roots to die...then some oral surgery will be required to "fix" the situation. But we still remain thankful for his excellent health and his silly yet beautiful smile!!

We wish everyone a wonderful and Christ filled holiday this week. We pray for safety for all of our friends and loved ones and look forward to a great 2009 with each of you!!!

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