Monday, October 25, 2010

Playing like the big boys

Nicholas is playing his first season of soccer.He is so stinkin cute I can't stand it. The first game I thought it could possibly be a very long season. He is beginning to understand the concept a little and follows along with the 4 year old beehive perfectly. He had a "breakaway" last game but did not make it to the goal. At times it is nothing short of hysterical watching the 4 year olds play. Sometimes half of our players are off of the field of play looking at a dog across the way or perhaps chasing a soccer ball from a totally different field of play. It is like watching a comedy many times. He often needs to be reminded to watch the ball. This is one of those opportunities in life that no parent should miss. It drives me crazy when parents of the 4 year olds take the game too seriously and rob their little ones of the joy of the sport at this age. Trust me...I am all about competition...but this is a time to simply enjoy, laugh and love on those little ones as they struggle to remember why they are standing on that field at all half of the time. Three more games and loving every minute of it!

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