Monday, October 25, 2010

Saying Goodbye for so hard to do

My Grandfather passed away a couple of weeks fact the day after we put our dog to sleep. Although my grandpa was to celebrate his 89th birthday in 4 days...his passing was unexpected and came as a surprise. I was planning on visiting him the day he passed obviously I wished I had done it just a bit sooner. But the time we did spend with him when we visited him at his assisted living facility was sweet and a time I am now so thankful that I had with him. Many times we just did puzzles, or taught him a new game or chatted. In fact I think I made him a bit crazy at times in that I always asked him so many questions. But I guess as you get older you begin to realize time is fleeting and there may not be a the passing of my grandfather is yet a gentle reminder to love the people in your life because they just may not be there tomorrow. I do believe the Lord was so gentle with my grandpa...he did not suffer and was taken so peacefully. He was blessed with a long life and was taken in the blink of an eye. I miss my grandfather...the chair where he sat for every holiday will be empty this year and from an earthly perspective will be sad. But he loved the Lord so we will meet again someday. Goodbye Grandpa...until then!

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