Monday, November 17, 2008

Another Awesome Fieldtrip!!!

Well, today we went to a dairy farm about 75 minutes away. In science we are studying UNGULATES so this was THE PERFECT trip. We had just an amazing day with the Palm family. We saw a calf born from only 1 foot away, we made butter, took a hayride, went through a corn maze, had an official tour of the dairy, bottle fed baby calves, roasted hotdogs, ate ice cream, fed goats, climbed trees and had a picnic. What more could you ask for in a fieldtrip!!!! It was certainly boy heaven minus the smell of dung that met us when the boys first bounded out of the vans. But you kind of get use to it after awhile!! Melanie and I just kind of giggled through the whole trip today because the saying at Dakin dairy is "Girls Rule"....the reason for this is because they sell all boys that are born. Boys are just not of any use to the farm. So it all made sense...and no offense was taken. But the boys were great today and we had a ton of fun. 2008 has had some great fieldtrips so far. This was up there on our list of top trips so far...until next time...


mr. john said...

We had such a great time. Thank you for all the jokes and I did not see a picture of BUBBA :)? love you, melanie

Unknown said...

looks like such a good time!! you gotta tell us where this is - we want to go!!